Saturday, March 15, 2008

Mexico things to remember...

It´s so hot that you can´t sleep at night. Just get up and take a cold shower.

The plague of mosquitos that wake you up devouring your flesh.

Roaches the size of an adult shoe. They come out of nowhere.

Never eat a certain spice and drink water. It causes "problems"

Hammocks.... everywhere

Everyone you meet kisses you on the cheek before they leave. Even if they don´t know you.

The buses can get so crowded that the bus drivers just pass people waiting on the side of the road.

Night soccer games.

Mixing up words like, (maquilar, mantequilla)"makeup" or "butter". And i think to myself, "why would she have butter on her face?"

Eating "tamarindos" after we´ve climbed and searched the tree.

The pyramids in the park and watching families play together.

Making kites out of sticks and our attempts to fly them in the field

Corn ice cream

The bonfire singing praise songs under the Mexican stars.


Getting cheated because i´m a gringa.

Roadies with people who don´t speak your language and yet jamming to American music.

Hugging the toilet after hours of puking up. It´s bound to happen in any 3rd world country.

Playing spanish pictionary. I had to have my dictionary by my side. Our team still won!

Watching Mexico play sports. Even the kids have better footwork than anything I´ve seen in the states.

Pijamadas- everyone brings their hammock and camp out in the house like cocoons.

Lime or chili on EVERYTHING

Watching the Lost Boys "break and enter".

Going to a church in a house crowded with Mexico.

Seeing how it was possible to cram 15 people in a car the size of a bug.

Hanging clothes out to dry.

Running the baseball field.

Getting acquainted with scorpions.

More to come...

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